Bucking bell
Strong & loud. Great product and didn't crunch yet when stomped on
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Do I need a bell for my rope and why?
Strong & loud. Great product and didn't crunch yet when stomped on
Did a great job and hold up
Strong & loud. Great product and didn't crunch yet when stomped on
Did a great job and hold up
Ok I ordered the black bull bell with a cross and instead gave me the plane black one. I wrote a comment not knowing how to get that figured out. Within a matter of min I get a phone call from them telling me they just ready my comment and would like to make it right. They sent me the correct bull bell and let me keep the old one. I have never seen a company that have ever been and good as this one. I’m positing this on my Facebook to help them out.
Love the sound & material used. Have yet to have it tested. Will be done once shipped out to Fiji.
Excellent quality